
Morton Avigdor

Since his graduation from UConn Law School in 19___, (Mordechai) Morton Avigdor has devoted his life and career to defending the rights and interests of the (Orthodox) Jewish community. As representative legal counsel for Agudath Israel, he has filed numerous amicus briefs on behalf of Aguda in cases involving Orthodox interests. ( links to the briefs, or the thank you letters ) As early as 1987, Morton Avigdor was already immersed in helping those in need. He successfully appealed a policy of the New York City Board of Education that would have forced a disabled Jewish child to attend a local summer program instead of Camp HASC, or lose the state funding that had paid for the camp in previous years. Throughout his career, Morton Avigdor has fought to maintain the validity of the Bais Din in matters of halacha such as gittin, argued for the rights of parents to receive state grants when their children are enrolled in religious schools, etc. His amicus briefs have been